Bwlch y Plwm Rope Replaced

80m of rope has been put instu within Bwlch y Plwm to replace the damaged rope reported earlier this year. Some additional anchors have also gone in to hopefully reduce the rub points although some sections have clear plastic tubing over the rope to protect it.

We’ve also left about 2m of rope either end of the traverse so should a section be damaged we’re spare rope to cut out damaged sections (please don’t trim it!)

Bwlch y Plwm Bridge Fixed

Bwlch y Plwm Bridge Fixed

A few weeks (maybe months!!) ago we had reports that the bridge in Bwlch y Plwm (top of the stope) was dead…

Good news it its now been fixed! The new bridge has yet to be secured to the floor so please be careful if you’re using it (the exit at that level was flooded when we looked at it last week (19th Oct, 2022). We’ll look to bolt/tie it down soon. There’s also no mesh on the top so it may become slippery over time; we’ll need to monitor this and sort it out if it’s problematic. Please do let us know!

Rhiwbach update

Rhiwbach update

For those using Rhiwbach, you’re likely to be aware of some areas of concern highlighted last month (notices were placed at the entrance to the mine).

This area does not appear to have changed in over a month. Those buying into the inspection scheme have been issued an update on the area today. Please check in with whoever you’re working for to ensure you’re aware of the update.

Please continue to report any changes immediately via the mine reports email group

Rhiwbach Forest Armageddon

Hello All, 

We had a group in Rhiwbach today, the forest looks like a bombs hit it, I’ve not seen it that bad in the 16 years I’ve worked here! On entering the forest we quickly decided it was not a good place to be, with some amazing noises and swaying trees. Not long in the paths blocked by various large trees. 

We retreated around the forest and up the hill to access the mine from the east. On entering from that side one of the trees above the mine entrance has fallen looking menacing but solid. Further into the forest there was a significant tree down blocking the path. 

If accessing the mine from the fields it will be necessary to walk through the village which we’d need to be sensitive about.


Wrysgan fall and Rhiwbach Parking

Wrysgan fall and Rhiwbach Parking

Hello folks, 
We’ve had some reports of a possible rockfall in the upper floor of Wrysgan, just beyond the “eased block”. This possibly form the area highlighted by Les a few years ago as a potential loose area. If you’re in the mine and able to check it out/photograph the fall please get in touch. 

Also there’s road re-surfacing work taking place in Cwm Penmachno this week. The work starts tomorrow and is programmed to go on until the 18th of Oct. The road will be closed during this work so access to Rhiwbach is unlikely from the Cwm carpark

All the best


Rhiwbach traverse pool rope damaged

Rhiwbach traverse pool rope damaged

Hello folks, just to let you know the rope around the traverse pool on floor 2 of the mine is showing damage (the one before the zip line chamber). The damaged section has been isolated and a new rope ordered, this should be replaced in the coming weeks.

Also a reminder that the gate code changed several weeks ago on the instance of NRW. Access for groups remains for permit holders only, recreational users can access the new gate code through CAL on evidence of BCA membership.


2021 Mines Inspections Completed

2021 Mines Inspections Completed

This years round of mines inspections for North Wales is now complete. Access to the latest round of reports is being made available to those who’ve contributed to the costs of the four days. It would be greatly appreciated if those who’ve yet to contribute could do so.

Note the website has moved (slightly!) and been updated. The same is true of the google docs location.

This was the last year Les, who’s been inspecting the mines for us since 2014, with the role now being handed over to Steve. As a sign of our appreciation Les was presented an engraved miners lamp:

If others would like make a donation towards the cost of the lamp you can do so here: