Contact us

The mine reports are commissioned annually as part of the British Caving Associations Local Cave and Mine Leader award scheme, and are required by anyone professionally leading groups in any of the mines.

Access to the reports are available for a set fee to cover the cost of mine inspector and distribution of the reports. This is a non-profit scheme.

If you would like access to the reports please get in touch.

The inspection of the mines is only part of the scheme. It is also critical that any changes within the mine are reported. Any urgent changes should be sent to the whole group by emailing us at (please note that only registered email addresses can use this service), where as anything less urgent should be reported through this contact us page.

Contact Us
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About us

North Wales Mine Inspection Ltd are is managed as a not for profit ltd by guaranteed company. The primary purpose of setting the scheme up in this way has been to ensure the scheme can be self sufficient and financing, but also protect those administering the scheme.

NW Mine Reports Ltd is registered with Companies House, company number 12530329

There are three directors within the company, they are:

  • Gethin Thomas
  • Phil Dale
  • Ed Jones