Trainee Instructors

Those who are working through their LCMLA awards can be provided access to the current and previous few years reports for a short period of time to help prepare for assessment.

Candidates wanting access to the reports should fill out the form below, providing details of any planned assessment and justification for access. If approved your email address will be used to provide you access to the Google Docs files (you may need to provide an email with access to Google Docs to see the files). Access will be available for no more than 12 months and may be withdrawn without notice (you’re welcome to re-apply for access here).

Please note you may be asked to evidence that you’ve booked an assessment or have completed your module 1 assessment to gain access. Examples of evidence of passing your core skills assessment, or an email of support from the Trainer/Assessor who conducted your skills day or is booked to assess your group day.

Access to these plans are for personal use only. Please do not abuse the access.



Trainee application for access to the reports

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