North Wales Mines Users Meeting; 29th January 2016, 10am. Oaklands OEC

Friday, 29th January, 2016

Oaklands OEC


Just to confirm we’ll beholding a meeting for those who regularly lead groups underground in the mines of North Wales. The aim of the meeting is to try and discus a range concerns that some users have expressed over the last few months, as well as other topics such as access, bolting, radon and this years round of mine inspections. Can I just highlight the concerns expressed have not been targeted at one user group in particular but broadly!

This is an open meeting to anyone who leads groups underground in North Wales, if you are free please do call in.

Rough Agenda

  • 10am Welcome/Introductions
  • Access
    • Chat from Dave Tyson, representing CAL (Cave Access Ltd) who are now managing access to some of the mines owned by National Resources Wales (previously the Forestry Commission)
  • Recent rockfalls underground
  • Rhiwbach parking
    • Concerns expressed about the number of vehicles parked in Cwm Penmachno
  • Group sizes underground
    • Concerns expressed about the number within individual parties being led underground
  • No-go areas
    • Groups continuing to lunch in large chambers for example
  • Anchors underground
    • Results of the BCA supported testing of anchors in slate; should we have a preferred anchor?
    • Funding of anchors
    • Future placements
      • Level 1 traverse on floor 1 in Rhiwbach
      • Steep step in Wrysgan
      • Others?
    • Radon testing this year
    • Mine Inspections for this year (programmed for 11th-15th of April
      • Any additional sites people would like to have inspected & are people available to accompany Les
    • Do we need a more formal users group or an annual users meeting such as this one
      • Look at what’s being done in the Peak District
    • AOB

I’d hope we could rattle through this lot in a few hours, hope you can make it. Directions to Oaklands can be found here:


12 January 2016

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