North Wales Mine Leaders user group meeting

Hi All,

I’d like to organise a meeting for those who regularly lead groups underground in the mines of North Wales. The aim of the meeting is to try and discus a range concerns that some users have expressed over the last few months, as well as other topics such as access, bolting, radon and this years round of mine inspections. Can I just highlight the concerns expressed have not been targeted at one user group in particular, but broadly!

If you’re available please let me know by following the link: with your availability, we can then make a decision on a date & venue. The link is also available on the North Wales Mines website:

Rough Agenda

  • Welcome/Introductions
  • Access
    • Chat from Dave Tyson, representing CAL (Cave Access Ltd) who are now managing access to some of the mines owned by National Resources Wales (previously the Forestry Commission)
  • Recent rockfalls underground
  • Rhiwbach parking
    • Concerns expressed about the number of vehicles parked in Cwm Penmachno
  • Group sizes underground
    • Concerns expressed about the number within individual parties being led underground
  • No-go areas
    • Groups continuing to lunch in large chambers for example
  • Anchors underground
    • Results of the BCA supported testing of anchors in slate; should we have a preferred anchor?
    • Funding of anchors
  • Radon testing this year
  • Mine Inspections for this year
    • Any additional sites people would like to have inspected & are people available to accompany Les
  • Do we need a more formal users group or an annual users meeting such as this one
    • Look at what’s being done in the Peak District
  • AOB

To make this worth while it would be great to get a broad range of input, so if you are available please let me know ideally here: Also let me know if theres anything else you’d like to discuss.

All the best


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