Comment: Rhiwbach Fall.
Yesterday (19th July 2015) our staff reported a fallen block in the ‘Caban’ chamber of the drainage level in Rhiwbach slate mine. The fall occurred in the rear of the chamber, an area not normally visited by groups or staff. If you were to stand with the caban on your immediate right looking inbye, this is the area of the chamber directly in front of you. The staff member was in the chamber when the fall occurred, and based on his experience as a slate quarryman and quarry blaster, he estimated the fall to be in the region of 1 to 2 tons. We have had the chamber roof inspected by a CIC holder today, who has reported back to us that the roof and chamber walls in the immediate area used by staff going to get the boat are not affected by this fall. Misty conditions due to the wet weather today did not allow for a totally clear view of the rearmost reaches of the chamber, so at this point we have been unable to establish the exact location and extent of the fall. Another inspection will be done tomorrow, hopefully with better visibility in the chamber. I am aware that some users take their groups to have lunch near the caban in this chamber, and would urge all users to exercise extreme caution in this area. We will inspect this chamber and the surrounding areas on a daily basis for the next few weeks and report any updates or further changes here.
Chris Phillips Operations Manager, Go Below Underground Adventures Ltd.