Rhiwbach Entrance

Hi All,

As I’m sure everyone is aware there was a small(ish) land slide at the entrance to Rhiwbach a few weeks ago. Last week I managed a good look, and as well as some topsoil and smallish gravel sliding out of the bank on the left of the entrance there also appears to have been some movement/clearing off of surface vegetation and rocks from the entrance. There’s some photos of the entrance here:
One thing to keep an eye on is a large block above and left of the entrance which has got some cracks running along the bottom, side and back of it. It’s probably worth keeping an eye on, and, as with all entrances/exits, best to gather groups away from the entrance and move people through quickly.
Worth being particularly vigilant given the rain over the last few days/weeks (feels like months…) Please do let us know if anything changes in the mines.
Last week we had to inflate the front of the boat, if you find it the same could you let us know; it may need a repair. When the water levels go up significantly the boats been known to wander off down the entrance adit, so it may be worth tying it up at the far end of the boating pool if you’re one of the last groups in the mine.

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