North Wales Mines Users Meeting

North Wales Mines Users Meeting

  • Monday, 5th February, 2018
  • Oaklands OEC
  • 10am-1pm

Following previous years gatherings, we’ve arranged another opportunity for those working within the mines to get together, discuss any hot topics, concerns and find out about on-going projects and issues.

Details are also available here:

Rough Agenda

  • 10am Welcome/Introductions
  • Access
    • Update from CAL (Cave Access Ltd) who are manage access to some of the mines owned by National Resources Wales (previously the Forestry Commission)
    • Developments and access with Bwlch y Plwm
    • Rhiwbach
      • Feedback from residence meeting
      • Update on ongoing projects
      • Parking/trip alternative options
      • Buoyancy Aid Options
        • What type to go for
        • Inspection regime
      • Any other issues?
    • Radon
      • Where we’re at and what next
    • Recent rockfalls underground
      • Wrysgan
    • Possible projects group
    • Mine Inspections for this year (16-19 April)
      • Venues: Wrysgan, Bwlch y Plwm, Cwmorthin, Rhiwbach, Gaewern, Henddol & Aberllefenni
      • Any additional sites people would like to have inspected?
    • AOB

I’d hope we could rattle through this lot in a few hours, hope you can make it. Directions to Oaklands can be found here:


31 January 2018